Ramesh Vishveshwar

1 minute read

** This is a placeholder for a novelcito called Skybolts **

#Opening Page

asmā idu tvaṣṭā takṣad vajraṃ svapastamaṃ svaryaṃ raṇāya | vṛtrasya cid vidad yena marma tujannīśānastujatā kiyedhāḥ ||

Even for him hath Tvaṣṭar forged the thunder, most deftly wrought, celestial, for the battle, Wherewith he reached the vital parts of Vṛtra, striking-the vast, the mighty with the striker (Rig Veda, Book 1/Hymn 61/Sloka 6)

#Plot (bits & pieces)

##Prologue Reference a travel by East India Company colonel to Madras (via train). He is going to get on a ship with precious cargo and travel to England. This is around the time of WWI and he thinks this cargo will help Britian win WWI. Train is late, stops in between, being pursued by other colonialists (Dutch nationals who were pro-Germany), he makes it. The ship never makes it to England.

##Chapter 1 Introduce our hero. Possibly RAW or a new fictional agency chap. Show him outwitting foreign agents in bringing back a really awesome Indian antique that was forcibly taken from the country. Think Kohinoor, but not so famously Indian, maybe more ancient would do.