Chapter 0 : Prologue

Geek by Design

Ramesh Vishveshwar Novelcitos


Before you Read

To fully enjoy this, I want you to transpose yourself to a city in South India, around the early 1990s. (Yay for 90s Kids). Also, this story is a work of fiction. Places, events may be familiar and somtimes match with actual historical events. They are added just to provide a sense of authenticity. Some of the plots are based on situations I have encountered or heard it happen to a friend. While reading this, if you get a feeling, “Hey! This has happened to me”, and you know me, it is very likely this is your story. You are not explicity identified (and don’t worry, I am not using sloppy substitutions such as ‘Marvin’ for ‘Martin’ for names)

The story is also being written on the fly. I just have a general direction of where the story is headed. I am confident it is going to be a good journey.