Ramesh Vishveshwar

1 minute read

** This is a plot for a TV series tentatively titled “Social Intent” **


With the proliferation of social media and the everyday user’s keenness to post every aspect of their life online, it is not a stretch to deduce a person’s deepest feelings and thoughts. Set in the future, a powerful AI tool is created that steps back and looks at a deceased’s social and online timeline to determine who could be their murderer.

The results from the AI is not admissible in court as it is speculation of what might have happened, but each episode will use results from the tool (probably should give it a catchy name now) to get real evidence. Keeping with time honored tradition of crime shows that I like & are often successful, this will be a duo. One a real police officer and the second a programmer/creator of the AI.

Initial skepticism from the police is replaced by trust as episodes go by. A longer running plot could be some gang of criminals trying to hack/crash the AI.
